HISC's Constitution

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HISC works to a constitution that has been approved and amended at various Annual General Meetings over the years. The constitution has five sections and is included in full below.


The organisation is to be known as the Hatters Independent Supporters Club (HISC) and must be a democratic organisation with rules that are easy to enforce.

HISC is to remain independent of Stockport County Football Club.



A central committee is to be established consisting of the following officer posts, (all of which must be filled by paid-up members of HISC).

Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Communications Officer and Membership Secretary

All post holders will have to stand for re-election at the Annual General Meeting.

In addition to the above posts the Committee shall have the power to co-opt any person whose help would benefit HISC.

Each HISC branch has the right to be represented on the central committee and has equal representation irrespective of its number of members. The branches will endeavour to send a representative to every meeting (with the exception of far-flung branches). The branch representatives shall be paid up members of HISC.

There is one vote per officer and branch representative attending committee meetings. Officers may also be branch representatives but will have only one vote at meetings.

Any item discussed at a central committee meeting and not resolved are not to be discussed with those who did not attend the meeting unless expressly agreed at the meeting.

Any member negotiating with outside parties on behalf of their branch which may directly or indirectly affect the central committee or other branches must minute the negotiations and receive approval of the central committee before finalisation of the agreement.

All members attending the central committee meetings must abide by the rules of the constitution and should make reasonable effort to support all events organised by the Central Committee.

Membership Fee

The fee payable at the time of joining HISC will be a life membership of £2.00. In addition to this fee each Branch has the right to charge an annual branch membership fee should they decide to do so.


Committee meetings will be held bi-monthly or as required at a venue to be decided by those in attendance at the previous meeting.

The organisation will hold an Annual General Meeting before the end of the football league season but no earlier than February. The members will be given seven days notice of the date of this meeting.

The members may call an Extraordinary General Meeting if at least three branches request it. The central committee will then organise the meeting giving all members seven days notice of the date.

Each member attending a general meeting has the right to one vote on items on the agenda that require a vote to be taken. Unless otherwise stated in advance the decision will be based on the majority vote.